A Vickrey–Clarke–Groves (VCG) auction of multiple goods is a sealed-bid auction wherein bidders report their valuations for the items. The auction system assigns the items in a socially optimal manner, while ensuring each bidder receives at most one item. This system charges each individual the harm they cause to other bidders,[1] and ensures that the optimal strategy for a bidder is to bid the true valuations of the objects. It is a generalization of a Vickrey auction for multiple items.
The auction is named after William Vickrey, Edward H. Clarke, and Theodore Groves.
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For any set of auctioned items and a set of bidders , let the social value of the VCG auction for a given bid-combination. A bidder who wins an item pays , which is the social cost of his winning that is incurred by the rest of the agents
Indeed, the set of bidders other than is . When item is available, they could attain welfare The winning of the item by reduces the set of available items to , however, so that the attainable welfare is now . The difference between the two levels of welfare is the payment for paid by the winning bidder .
The winning bidder who has value for the item derives therefore utility
See the example with apples in the introduction of Vickrey Auction.
Assume that there are two bidders, and , two items, and , and each bidder is allowed to obtain one item. We let be bidder 's valuation for item . Assume , , , and . We see that both and would prefer to receive item ; however, the socially optimal assignment gives item to bidder (so his achieved value is ) and item to bidder (so his achieved value is ). Hence, the total achieved value is , which is optimal.
If person were not in the auction, person would still be assigned to , and hence no harm was done for that bidder. Hence, is charged nothing.
If person were not in the auction, person would be assigned to , and would have valuation . thus caused harm to , and hence is charged .
The following is a proof that bidding one's true valuations for the auctioned items is optimal[2]
For each bidder , let be her true valuation of an item , and suppose (without loss of generality) that wins upon submitting his true valuations.
Note that the size bid of has no effect on her utility as long as she wins the item (see the utility function above). Hence, we assume that does not bid truthfully, and receives item because of his non-truthful bidding. In the truthful bidding case, has total utility . In the untruthful bidding case, has total utility . Hence, we must prove that , which shows that the utility received from truthful bidding is always at least that received from untruthful bidding.
However, the first term there is the maximum total social value achieved when received , and the second term there is the maximum total social value achieved when received . However, we assumed that the VCG auction gave item ; hence, the first term must be greater, and .
We can consider a more general setting[3] of the VCG mechanism. Consider a set of possible outcomes and bidders which have different valuations for each outcome. This can be expressed as, function
for each bidder which expresses the value it has for each alternative. In this auction, each bidder will submit his valuation and the VCG mechanism will choose the alternative that maximizes and charge prices given by:
where , that is, is a function that only depends on the valuation of the other players. This alone gives a truthful mechanism, that is, a mechanism where bidding the true valuation is a dominant strategy.
We could take, for example, , but we would have all prices negative, what might not be desirable - we would rather prefer that players give money to the mechanism than the other way round. The function:
is called Clarke pivot rule. It has some very good properties as: